Geng Nafsu SeeRakah

kalau tuan puan singgah kat blog ini kan...mohon satu je...tolong baca entri ek..kita share2 ilmu...mane tahu manfaat untuk kita semua di dunia dan akhirat insyaAllah..kedatangan tuan puan amat NafSu SeEraKah hargai.. hohoh! kalu komen pun best gak! hak3!!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Hujan Di awal Pembentangan Projek

Friday, December 21, 2012

Setiap yang berlaku ada hikmahnya.

Apakhabar semua sahabat-sahabat Nafsu Seerakah semua? Hohoh diharap semua berada dalam keadaan sihat dan sentiasa diatas landasan Allah.
Currently on the road with orange motorcycle on the way to the class but suddenly raining hohoh! But this is not the problem because this is the amazing of the world, we as a human that is created by Allah to have look for this miracle of the development of rain.

From my view, we look the rain is beautiful. How this small particle water can appear through the cloud. Cloud like a pure smoke suddenly can change into beautiful of water. This situation we must look the perfect plan that never people in the world can do it. Why rain not go up but always fall? Why? This will call the power of Allah that we cannot do but how many people grateful with this beautiful rain. The rain can enhance the plant to grow up with delicious fruits and beautiful flowers. How many people greatful? . So as a human that always know the truth, we must appreciate the world that Allah give us to ensure our life is lively and always in the good mood.

Jadi sebagai manusia jangan kita merungut tetapi melihat dari sudut yang positif tentang kejadian Allah ini. Bersyukrlah kerana Allah memberi peluang untuk kita hidup di atas muka bumiNya. BarakaAllah.

P/s: Alhamdulillah hujan dah berhenti.
Aku sayang Allah dan Rasulullah s.a.w

Coretan ringkasi- Diatas motor otw ke kelasa-highway perlis-changlun-
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0 aku rase post ko tak bleh blah:

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